Wednesday 15 April 2009

no crystals here, people

yes, i'm probably coming across as a bit stupid here, but can i just honestly say that i had no knowledge of the meaning that some people give to the word "indigo" when i changed the name of this blog?

and that when i think of indigo i think of the dye that is made out of actual human wee and fades rapidly in sunlight, but is ultimately a colour that i find flattering?

i'm going to have to say its tongue in cheek and i meant to do it now. so don't tell anyone. just play along.


  1. LOL I should have put a warning on that video...your secret is safe with me...

  2. on the contrary, L, i love stumbling over breathtaking hubris on the internet...

  3. That Indigo site is pretty newagey, but Indigo is also a term for children who just don't exactly fit in, or kids who seem to be wise beyond their years. So, in a way, your title is right in more ways than one!

  4. hey, littlebear,

    don't get me wrong- i've nothing against new aginess per se, and when i read the list of "indigo characteristics", it would be pretty easy to say that i am an "indigo" and my son is a "crystal". like jenny mccarthy. hm.

    while i'm all about neuro-diversity and challenging old ways of thinking, i'd rather do it under a banner of reasonable scientific rationality than a dreamcatcher and some really bad grammar, if you get my drift ;-).

    but yes, it does seem like a happy accident now. thankyou for commenting!
