Friday 17 April 2009


it is a universally acknowledged truth that a single woman in possession of some children, some inadequate locks and a sky+ box, must be in want of a dog.

where i live, that dog is invariably a staffordshire bull terrier. equally, i could think about a rottweiler or an alsation. but i don't want one of these dogs. i want a badass whippet.

i'm thinking that maybe a whippet might charm a burglar so much that he has second thoughts about robbing me, and does some washing up instead.

that is all.



  1. i think it might be because they look like deer...

  2. LOL... Well. If I was a burgler, would definitely be charmed by a whippet, and would probably walk out of the house after leaving a kind note of confession and apology, and maybe some homemade cookies!

  3. ...maybe even a little ironing.

    and how awesome would he look at xmas with antlers on?
